Zavodovski Expedition. One low pressure system after the other.
The weather over the past five days has been challenging. One low pressure system after the other is sweeping over the South Sandwich Islands with very short breaks in between. Sunday night the shore team had to reset their camp in the midst of a storm whilst the wind gusts peaked at well over 50 knots. Inspite of the challenging conditions they managed to erect the new tents and move all the gear to a safer location.
On board we rode out the storm with the 115kg Rocker anchor and 80 meters of chain set. Vinsons anchor was holding well and we didn’t move at all, much appreciating sitting in the shelter of the pilot house and watch the williwaws whipping up the sea around us.
The scientist ashore took every gap in the weather as an opportunity to fly their drones, take samples and to collect previously set tags from penguins.
The boat crew was fortunate enough to be able to land one at a time for a day each, helping the scientist to carry equipment across the island and assisting them with their work.
Justino went first helping John and Gemma tagging and measuring penguins.
Two days later Mariana went out to the North of the Island with Claudia and Ian to sample mosses and lichens and myself and Tor helped Nicole, carrying her drone across the island to detect thermal anomalies with a thermal camera attached to the drone today.
With the latest weather forecast suggestion another huge low with North Westerly winds of well over 50 knots again arriving on Tuesday the 19th, we decided to retrieve everyone from the island tomorrow morning and then set sail for South Georgia. With 330nm to Grytviken we should arrive there before the worst of the weather hits.
Fair winds and a following sea,
Chris Kobush